Artist and Experience Designer

Currently in London
Born and raised in Singapore


User testing

9 years of award-winning UX/UI/Service design
Multi-national corporations. Governments. Startups.

ERP X: A fully-automated road payment system

Reduced friction for vehicle owners, enabling payments directly via a mobile app linked to a credit card.

Streamlined onboarding, with user registration and setup completed in just 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Singapore’s Covid-19 Vaccination System

Enabled millions of users to book vaccine appointments within 10-15 minutes through an intuitive web-based system.

Streamlined clinic operations with an admin interface for real-time patient management. Enabled 92% population vaccination in just 3 months.

UI mockups of a search result on a dataset, showing a chart and the rendered tabular data. A sample API query can be seen.

A modernised redesign to improve data quality and consumer browsing. With an integrated SaaS admin dashboard. Smoother, cleaner data publishing with automated validation.

Increased monthly API calls by 124% and file downloads by 24%.


A mobile app that uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to analyse text messages without compromising on privacy. It has helped identify and block 186,000 scam entities.

Office Humour

A set of 54 light-hearted conversation starters, designed to get to know your colleagues.

Most questions are humorous, but some open you up to deeper, more meaningful dialogue.